Polyglot 1.8.0 - Community Contributions Release

Get excited for Jekyll-Polyglot 1.8.0, which has a few feature improvements and recognizes community documentation and contributions!

One new feature is to give pages language specific permalinks and to retain their association to other relative pages. This new feature is again improved by antoniovazquezblanco, who is a gentleman and a scholar.

sitemap generation & i18n SEO

This release also recognizes the quality sitemap.xml and robots.txt solution provided by jerturowetz. This website now demonstrates and captures more SEO power by using these to be crawlable as a static jekyll website by search providers. See the example website files here.

jekyll :polyglot :post_write hook

Github user obfusk contributed a tiny PR a few years back:

With polyglot :site, :post_write like these run for each child processes:

Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_write do |site|

This release adds a custom :post_write hook that runs exactly once, after all languages been processed (whether or not parallel_localization is used):

Jekyll::Hooks.register :polyglot, :post_write do |site|
  # do something amazing here!

This feature is helpful for complex jekyll static sites that make additional use of jekyll hook plugins.

She also contributed a fix for additional logging when language subprocesses crash. Thanks for this contribution!

localized variables and portuguese translation.

george-gca is a talented and awesome guy, contributing an entire blogpost on how best to localize rich text from site data. He also provided a site brazilian translation.