Polyglot 1.2.0

A new version of Polyglot has been released! Give it a try!

gem install jekyll-polyglot

and list jekyll-polyglot among your listed gems in your _config.yml

It involves mostly groundwork to prepare for new features and better multilingual content management. It does have a new feature:

{% I18n_Headers %}

Put this tag with the url of your website in your head.html includes file to get the maximum SEO provided by having a multilingual website. It’s the same as the following liquid code:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="{{site.active_lang}}">
<link rel="alternate"
      href="http://yoursite.com{{page.permalink}}" />
{% for lang in site.languages %}
{% if lang == site.default_lang %}
  {% continue %}
{% endif %}
<link rel="alternate"
    href="http://yoursite.com/{{lang}}{{page.permalink}}" />
{% endfor %}

In your header, but faster and cleaner! For more information, see the SEO page