Polyglot website is now in Korean

The Polyglot website has been updated with support for Korean!

This is made possible by SalinatedCoffee, who contributed these changes. 프로젝트를 도와 주셔서 고마워요!

Polyglot 1.5.1

Polyglot Release for version 1.5.1.

With support from dougieh Polyglot will now relativize urls in anchor links.

Support for Hebrew

Shalom my hebrews and shebrews, Polyglot’s website is now in עברית!

Dutch Site Support

Thanks to github user @PanderMusubi the site now supports nl dutch! Bedankt!

Polyglot 1.5.0

Polyglot-Release für Version version 1.5.0, mit neuer Unterstützung für gestaffelte Builds durch logische CPU.

Schnellere gestaffelte Builds

This release modifies polyglot to start builds only after it confirms there is a cpu core ready to receive the build thread. This makes jekyll site builds run much faster on machines building more languages than with logical cpus ready to process the builds, preventing machine thrash and streamlining builds for large sites.

Verschiedene Updates

  • Added Links to the github source code on every page on the site from the sidebar.
  • Updated repo readme with new details about logical cpu usage.
  • Polyglot continuous integration now provided by CircleCI.
  • Github user musicmichaelc created a jekyll theme with updates for use with polyglot multilingual support.


This release was made possible with the support of the following github users!

Helfen wollen?

Hat Polyglot geholfen Ihre Website in neue Gebiete und Märkte expandieren? Haben Sie einen Vorschlag, Beitrag oder Bugfix, den Sie bereitstellen möchten? Möchten Sie diese Website in Ihre Muttersprache übersetzt sehen?

Drop me a line, open a issues or make a PR!

Alle Unterstützung und Beiträge werden sehr geschätzt.

Polyglot 1.4.1

Bonus patch release of Polyglot version 1.4.1 is out!

small fix for i18n_headers

Fallout from cleanup led to a small fix and some tests

say Привет to our russian friends

Russian language site pages have been added!

I am looking for any volunteers that would like to see the Jekyll-Polyglot homepage represented in your language of origin! If you find this software helpful and want to see your language represented, just reach out on the github issues.